Sunday, October 31, 2004


Hello again....yeah!update again....ooopps!! i just have to put back my old templete while the new one always got some trouble in it...haiz...

Tech call me up to photocopy the Case-Toys dzine so i went out to had it copy....even on my ownself..hehhe copy it a lot for pasting....oopps!Find some spot ard there.....Back home,my mom rush out coz she's gng to geylang buy some food with my aunty.N telling me to pay the fitrah thing.....

Gone to Al-Falah for the fitrah then hang ard to park....n paste some shit[will show u below].Drop back to HMV,n saw this Sherk2 just came out n feel like buying it cost bout 30+ well......just bought it @ PS bout 27 bucks...ok go.Im back home 3+....

Flob In The Box

Case-Toys @ May Road

CT @ Skate Park